I have illustrated several children’s books, some of which I will post now, and some later. Working on a book from concept to finished product, including layout and prepress is a rewarding load of work!

S is for Safari

I was delighted to work with Jeryl Abelmann and Miriam Kronish on their new alphabet book. This is the third published book based off their character “Quickly: The Magic Spatula” and friends. Here are a few sample pages from the book.

Redesign of Quickly’s Books

An Addition to illustrating and designing the third book, I also redesigned the first two books. In her second book “Quickly’s Magical Pancake Adventure” , she included a pro collection of great recipes for pancakes of all kinds which I illustrated. Here are a few samples.

Percy: The Perfectly Imperfect Chicken

Working with Rick Rieser on his book was a great experience, and the moral to his story is good! Rick wrote the book to help kids deal with bullying, and being different. We started from scratch to develop characters, compositions and moved onto completed digital paintings once things were decided on.

Additionally, Rick and I had been working on his second book, which is 75% complete. Will post that when the time comes.

Road Turtle Adventure Series: Charlie Goes to The Races

I started working with Stu Cornick on his comic book adventure story of a turtle, which represented the yello bumps in the road. Stu was excited about the project and kept me moving on things until we finished the first book, at which time I found out Stu Cornick had died. But what a project it was. To this day my memories of working with Stu are good, and I was happy to be a part of his dream to create The Road Turtle.

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